Tracey Chan, Ph.D., MSN, ANP-BC, FAANP
Assistant Professor
Human Health Building, Room 2036
Phone: (248) 364-8784
[email protected]
Dr. Tracey Chan is an Adult Nurse Practitioner and assistant professor at Oakland University. Previously she was chair of graduate nursing and an associate professor at Madonna University. She has clinical experience as an adult primary care provider predominantly with vulnerable and at-risk populations. Her area of expertise is nurse practitioner competencies and competency based education. She has led numerous research projects and professional presentations that relate to both NP education and practice. She serves as chair of the curricular leadership committee within NONPF and collaborated with committee members to produce the "Competency Implementation Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty". She also serves as chair of the NP education enhancement and sustainment committee within AANP and has been developing preceptor resources. In 2024, she was inducted as a fellow into the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Clinical Expertise:
- Adult Primary Care
- PhD-Nursing Duquesne University, 2019
- Nursing Education Certificate University of Detroit Mercy, 2014
- MSN-Adult NP Madonna University, 2006
- BSN Oakland University, 1999
Research Area Interests:
- Nursing Education
- Competency Based Assessment
- Entrustable Professional Activities
- Chronic disease management
- Precepting
Selected Research/Publications:
- Publications
- Moore J, Chan T, Doucette J, Lipps T, Slager D. Defining nurse practitioner core entrustable professional activities: essential step toward competency-based education. (2024). Nurse Educator 49(5), 235-240. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001673
- Ghaleb, S., Roth, R.L, Chan, T., & Lauderbach, C. (2022). Improving weight measurement compliance in the intensive care unit. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 49(6), 515-519.
- Kosel Agnihotri, S., Chan, T., Haldane, N., Lalinsky, C. & Weaver, J. (2022). 'Semi-embedding' writing center specialists in a masters level nursing course to improve perceptions of writing support. In M. J. Madson (Ed.), Teaching writing in the health professions (chp. 6). Rutledge.
- Chan, T. E. (2021). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In A. Hollier (Ed.), Clinical guidelines in primary care (4th ed., pp. 790-797). Advanced Practice Education Associates.
- Chan, T. E., Lockhart, J. S., Thomas, A., Kronk, R., & Schreiber, J. B. (2020). Determining nurse practitioner core competencies using a Delphi approach. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 32(3), 200-217. Doi: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000384
- Chan, T. E., Lockhart, J. S., Thomas, A., Kronk, R., & Schreiber, J. B. (2020). An integrative review of nurse practitioner practice and its relationship to the core competencies. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(4), 189-199. Doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.11.003
- Presentations (oral-invited)
- Ainslie, M. & Chan, T. April 2024 Washington DC National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Annual conference invited workshop: “Competency Based Assessment: Using Backward Design to make the NP Role Core Competencies Actionable”
- Ainslie, M. Chan, T. & Bigley, M. January 2024 Naples, FL American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference invited emerging solutions presentation: “Competency Based Assessment in NP Education: Leading with Excellence”
- Ainslie, M. & Chan, T. November 2023 Washington DC National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Fall Conference invited podium presentation: “How Programs Can Implement the New Competencies”
- Chan, T. December 2019 Washington DC National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Special Topics Conference invited podium presentation: “Developing and Implementing CBE in NP Programs”
- Lis, G & Chan, T. November 2019 Webinar National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Faculty Institute Webinar Series: “Choosing Teaching Strategies”
- Lis, G. & Chan, T. December 2018 Washington DC National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Special Topics Conference invited podium presentation: “Theories of Learning: Application to Practice”
- Presentations (oral-refereed)
- Chan, T., Lashley, G, & Jessup, A. June 2024 Nashville, TN American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s Annual conference seminar: “Mastering the Art of Precepting NP Students and Delivering Constructive Feedback”
- Chan, T. & Moore, J. April 2024 Washington DC National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties Annual conference podium presentation: “Reimaging Nurse Practitioner Competency Evaluation with Core Entrustable Professional Activities”
- Chan, T. & Whitfield, M. September 2023 Austin, TX American Association of Nurse Practioner’s Fall Conference podium presentation: “Precept Like a Pro Part 2: Next Level Precepting Skills” with Martha Whitfield
- Chan, T., Lashley, G. & Prendergast, E. June 2023 New Orleans, LA American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Conference seminar presentation: “Preceptor Pearls” with G. Lashley & E. Prendergast
- Chan, T. April 2020 Virtual/Recorded National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties annual conference podium presentation: “A Delphi Study to Determine Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies”
- Chan, T. January 2020 Naples, FL American Association of Colleges of Nursing Doctoral Education Conference podium presentation: “A Delphi Study to Determine Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies”
- Kennedy- Malone, L., Baker, N., Long, E., McCumber, S. & Chan, T. October 2019 Las Vegas, NV Gerontological Association of Advanced Practice Nurses National Conference podium presentation: “Embracing Technology and Teaching Innovations in Advanced Practice Gerontological Nursing Education”
- Chan, T. April 2016 Seattle, WA National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties annual conference podium presentation: “Road to Competency Based Education”
- Chan, T. & Glenn, L. March 2011 San Antonio, TX National Nursing Center Consortium Conference “Nurse-Managed Clinics: Innovations that Work” podium presentation: “Urban Partnerships in Health care: McAuley Health Center”
- Conley, J. & Chan, T. November 2009 Philadelphia, PA National Nursing Center Consortium conference “Nurse Managed Health Centers: Disruptive Innovations for Comprehensive Care” podium presentation “Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program at McAuley Health Center”
- Presentations (poster-refereed)
- Chan, T. June 2019 Indianapolis, IN American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Conference poster presentation: “Nurse Practitioner Practice & Core Competencies: Do They Relate?”
- Chan, T, Clark, P. & Lis, G. April 2019 Atlanta, GA National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties National Conference poster presentation: “Development and Integration of NP Competency Assessment Tools”
- Chan, T. & Hanson, P. June 2018 Denver, CO American Association of Nurse Practitioner’s National Conference poster presentation: “Expanding Gerontological Knowledge: Meeting the Needs of the Mushrooming Older Adult Population”
- Chan, T. & Hanson, P. October 2017 Las Vegas, NV National Conference for Nurse Practitioners poster presentation: “Expanding Gerontological Knowledge: Meeting the Needs of the Mushrooming Older Adult Population”
- Chan, T. May 2017 Pittsburgh, PA Duquesne University Doctoral Week poster presentation: “Does Virtual Simulation Assist in Clinical Readiness? A Student’s Perspective”
- Chan, T. May 2017 Pittsburgh, PA Duquesne University Doctoral Week poster presentation: “Novice Nurse Practitioner’s Perception of Transitioning into Practice”
- Chan, T. & Clark, P. April 2017 Livonia, MI Madonna University College of Nursing and Health Research Day poster presentation: “Does Virtual Simulation Assist in Clinical Readiness? A Student’s Perspective”
- Chan, T. & Clark, P. April 2017 Livonia, MI Madonna University Research Day poster presentation: “Does Virtual Simulation Assist in Clinical Readiness? A Student’s Perspective”
- Chan, T. & Glenn, L. April 2009 Traverse City, MI Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control/ WISEWOMAN annual meeting Poster Presentation “Urban Partnerships in Health”
- Glenn, L. & Chan, T. April 2009 Traverse City, MI Michigan Breast and Cervical Cancer Control/ WISEWOMAN annual meeting Poster Presentation: “Hereditary Breast Cancer”
- Grants
- Chan, T. (July 2020-July 2022) Telehealth learning center. Funding by Francis Fund of Felician Sisters, Inc. ($20,000)
- Chan, T., Gordon, V. & VanHorn, L. (August 2023-September 2024) Dementia Care Simulation. Funding by Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association Foundation ($2,000)
- Other scholarly work
- July 2023-current. Chair of Curricular Leadership Committee in National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF)
- July 2021-October 2024 Chair of NP Education Enhancement and Sustainment committee in American Association of Nurse Practitioners
- 8/2019-present Journal of Doctoral of Nursing Practice reviewer
Professional Affiliations:
- National Association of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF)
- Sigma Theta Tau
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
- Gerontological Association of Advanced Practice Nurses (GAPNA)
School of Nursing
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 364-8733
[email protected]
M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m. closed daily 12 p.m.-1 p.m.